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Devils Bridge
Situated at Indian Town and is the sight of archaeological excavations






Shirley Heights (a must do)
Sunday sunset barbecue where the atmosphere is infused with fabulous food, dance the rhythms of the house steel band and a sunset that is second to none!!

( I recommend you get there by 3:30 for a good seat/table)





Fort James
Named after King James II who reigned during the years the Fort was built. Most of the buildings seen today date back to 1739. In the 19th century, a gun was fired at sunrise, sunset and to salute visiting warships.




English Harbor
Named after Admiral Horatio Nelson is a prized historic possession built between 1704-1745. This is a superb vantage point to view some of the world’s most exotic and beautiful yachts under sail.



Wadadli Animal Nature Park
Built into the natural countryside so that you walk eagerly from one area to the next to view a collection of animals and birds that live happily in harmony with nature. (be sure to visit “Betsy” the local heifer.  Wadadli_parks@hotmail.com



The Southern Farm
Orange Valley
Mr. Johnson Southwell grows mangoes in a “big” way. He also cultivates ackee and two types of avocado both originating in Jamaica. Contact email at: southwellfamilyfarm@gmail.com



Valley Venture Flower Farm
A producer of exotic tropical blooms such as the familiar “Strelizia Reginae” commonly known as Bird of Paradise. Mr. Bernard’s most important flower crop is Heliconia.

Contact Mr. Bernard  268-723-5858  or 781-2259



Donkey Sanctuary (a very special place)
Located outside the Village of Bethesda and operated by the Antigua Humane Society. Donkeys love to receive visitors and pose for pictures.

Admission is free
